Which Bowls?

Which Bowls?

Not all bowls are the same … New Players: PLEASE DON’T BUY ANY BOWLS UNTIL YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO A COACH & ALSO TRIED OUT A FEW DIFFERENT MODELS & SIZES. There are 4 main manufacturers of bowls: Taylor, Henselite, Aero & Drakes Pride. They produce...


The basic equipment needed to play: Mat, Jack, Bowls & Measure   Mats and jacks are provided at every bowling green. The only things you’ll need in regard to equipment are a set of bowls and possibly a measure (to decide shots if required). There is...


A bit about etiquette … Bowls is, perhaps, one of the most sociable games that you can play. Proceedings always start with friendly handshakes (or fist taps) and introductions that quickly put players on first name terms. The guiding principle to all bowlers,...
Team Play

Team Play

Playing in a team, or as a rink: When you begin playing in a rink of 4 players, even socially for fun or representing the club in a fixture it is always good to know what your role is within the team. Obviously, playing socially is different to playing competitively...
Learn the Lingo

Learn the Lingo

Backhand:   When (for a right-handed player) the bowl is delivered so the curve of the bowl is from the left to right. The larger disc on the side of the bowl will be on the left, as it travels up the rink (the smaller disc on the right).   Bias: The shape...