Health benefits of bowls

Health benefits of bowls

Playing a 2-hour game of lawn bowls can offer several health benefits for individuals of all age groups – from youngsters to the older generation. Here are some potential benefits: – Physical activity: Lawn bowls involves walking, bending, and delivering...
New Members Advice

New Members Advice

Just a few pointers for new members Ask a club official about getting a locker, a key to the club gate and a club shirt. Ask a club official about the opening up and locking up procedures. As long as a club team isn’t using the rinks, any member can play at...
Coaching: Aiming

Coaching: Aiming

Working out your delivery direction, using an aiming point. Many players find an aiming point on or near the front ditch. they will have worked this out during trial ends, and may adjust their aiming point during the game as conditions change, or a wider or tighter...
Coaching: Delivery

Coaching: Delivery

Delivery of a bowl to the jack area.   From the time you pick a bowl up from the ground until the time you deliver that bowl it takes on average around 10 seconds. Now, in your head count to 10. That actually feels like a long time when you count it out. Say for...
Coaching Quiz

Coaching Quiz

Coaching Quiz The ‘laws of bowls’ questions and answers are validated by the WBCA and World Bowls. The historical questions are provided along with sources for the answers. No points are awarded, as in a normal quiz, but just check to see if you knew the...