New Members Advice

Just a few pointers for new members

  1. Ask a club official about getting a locker, a key to the club gate and a club shirt.
  2. Ask a club official about the opening up and locking up procedures.
  3. As long as a club team isn’t using the rinks, any member can play at anytime on any available rink.
  4. Only paid-up full members can bowl on the green. Visitors (who have experience of bowling) can pay £5 to play per session to the treasurer. Visiting teams do not need to pay when they play against us.
  5. New members need to receive coaching before they take part in games. Ask about coaching. Visitors who do not have experience of bowling MUST receive coaching before playing matches or roll-ups.
  6. If you play in a club team game in a league or cup match against another club, the fee is £2 per game and you pay this to your Skip.
  7. Read the pages in the ‘Coaching Corner’ section in the main menu on: ‘Equipment’, ‘Team Play’, ‘Which Bowls?’ and ‘Etiquette’.
  8. Always be mindful about walking around the green when people are playing. DON’T walk along a rink (ditch sides), in somebody’s eye line, if someone is about to bowl. Just wait until they have delivered their bowl.
  9. Our social evening is a Monday evening in the ‘regular’ bowling season. This runs from 5pm till 7pm. Arrive around 4.30pm to put your name down to play. This takes the form of ‘Spoons’, which is the term for social matches with a club. We normally have rinks of 4 against 4. The order in the team is randomly picked. The cost is £1
  10. Once you have received sufficient coaching you are more than welcome to put your name down on the selection sheets in the clubhouse to play in Leagues and Cups. Do not worry about your lack of experience.
  11. The notice board will have information about The Constitution and other relevant information which members should familiarise themselves with.
  12. If in doubt, ask.

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