Etiquette – Disruptions

In bowls we have laws and we have etiquette. Etiquette in the context of playing any sport refers to the set of unwritten rules and behaviours that govern how players should conduct themselves on and off the field. It encompasses showing respect, consideration, and good sportsmanship towards opponents, teammates, officials, and spectators. Etiquette is crucial not only for maintaining a friendly and harmonious environment but also for ensuring fair play and a positive experience for everyone involved.

When it comes to disturbing others while playing a sport, such as waiting for a shot in golf or delivering a lawn bowl in lawn bowling, etiquette demands that players show patience and refrain from distracting or interrupting the concentration of fellow players. This includes remaining quiet and still when someone is about to execute a crucial shot. Disrupting another player’s focus not only hampers their performance but also reflects poorly on the individual responsible for the disturbance.

In sports like golf or lawn bowls, where precision and concentration are essential, waiting for someone to play their shot or make their delivery is a sign of respect and courtesy. By adhering to this practice, players acknowledge the importance of each player’s turn and demonstrate their understanding of the sport’s traditions and principles.

Additionally, respecting the playing area is a fundamental aspect of sports etiquette. During a match or coaching session, only those directly involved in the game or training should be present in the designated area of play. This restriction aims to avoid unnecessary distractions and ensures that players can focus entirely on their performance and learning. Spectators or unrelated individuals wandering into the playing area can disrupt the flow of the game and potentially lead to accidents or conflicts.

If a game or coaching session is taking place on another rink DO NOT cross into the rink at any time; this includes any of the playing surface especially to go from your rink to the clubhouse. (usually at the end of a game. It is bad etiquette) USE PATHS – Also wait if someone is about to bowl when walking along a path. The laws of bowls also state that you shouldn’t enter into another rink, when playing, if it is in play or not. Also, when walking up and down the green keep to the middle of your rink where possible. Nobody should be walking along the rink divisions at any time during play.

In summary, sports etiquette is about displaying good manners, sportsmanship, and respect for others while playing a sport. Waiting for players to make their shots or deliveries, maintaining silence and stillness during critical moments, and not intruding into the playing area unless involved in the game are all vital aspects of promoting fair play and a positive sporting experience for everyone involved.

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Laws of the Sport …

We play under the World Bowls Laws of the Sport. Please don’t feel that you have to know every rule, because the principles of the game are quite simple. The link here is to the official laws and covers every aspect and eventuality in the game.

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