Coaching Corner
Etiquette – Disruptions
In bowls we have laws and we have etiquette. Etiquette in...
Health benefits of bowls
Playing a 2-hour game of lawn bowls can offer several...
New Members Advice
Just a few pointers for new members Ask a club official...
Coaching: Aiming
Working out your delivery direction, using an aiming...
Coaching: Delivery
Delivery of a bowl to the jack area. From the time...
Coaching Quiz
Coaching Quiz The 'laws of bowls' questions and answers...
The Green
The green, ditch, banks and rinks The World Bowls...
Which Bowls?
Not all bowls are the same ... New Players: PLEASE DON'T...
The basic equipment needed to play: Mat, Jack, Bowls &...
A bit about etiquette ... Bowls is, perhaps, one of the...
Team Play
Playing in a team, or as a rink: When you begin playing in...
Learn the Lingo
Backhand: When (for a right-handed player) the bowl...
Laws of the Sport …
We play under the World Bowls Laws of the Sport. Please don’t feel that you have to know every rule, because the principles of the game are quite simple. The link here is to the official laws and covers every aspect and eventuality in the game.