Coaching: Aiming

Working out your delivery direction, using an aiming point.

Many players find an aiming point on or near the front ditch. they will have worked this out during trial ends, and may adjust their aiming point during the game as conditions change, or a wider or tighter line is needed for a certain shot. Don’t have an aiming point that is movable, such as a bag or a person. A bench leg or pot plant is fine.

The widest point in the arc of the bowl is called the shoulder of the arc.

It is generally between two thirds and three fifths of the way down the green. Many players use just the front ditch aiming point to line up their shot. coaches will advise you to also have a 2nd aiming point that is close to you, along the constant line of delivery, about 5-7 metres away. During your delivery routine you can check the front ditch aiming point but deliver along the near aiming point. Some bowlers will look at the shoulder aiming point instead of the near aiming point.

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